Our culture
We’re a business, but we operate as a high-performing family unit.
For us, the cost of having “adequate” in any position is simply too large, when we could have “extraordinary”. Extraordinary performance means excellence in the values described, – which converge on talent and teamwork. Putting extraordinary talent together makes for a highly functioning and successful company.
In our view, the benefit of a high-performance culture is that you work with consistently outstanding colleagues which is exhilarating. You do your best work, you learn the most, and you achieve a high level of professional satisfaction, when you’re surrounded by excellence.
With a small team and no layers, you will be able – in fact, are expected – to make a real contribution to the business. We hire people who are great at what they do and we give them the freedom to practice their expertise without “second guessers” or “PowerPoint approval meetings”. The results are that you can get things done quickly and you are able to see the business impact immediately. Launchtwo is small enough so you can make a difference.
We are passionate about helping companies find great people. We work in markets and with clients who value our services. We work with clients who need help attracting and finding talent that they can’t otherwise find themselves. We value our time and expertise. We find people who will add value to our client’s organisation.
We want to be known as an employer of choice. We want people knocking on our doors to want to work for our company.
A great company earns, and is able to maintain, the respect of its clients, suppliers, investors and employees in large part, by delivering on promises made. A great company, and a great brand, is essentially that – a promise fulfilled. We promise our clients stellar service, our investors the prospects of sustained profitable growth, and our employees the allure of huge impact. Delivering on these promises is our quest.